Monday, January 28, 2008

Humidifier for Violin

The other day, I took my son's 3/4 size bow for rehair to the local repair person/teacher. He trained in Moenning & Son years ago, so he must be good. He took a look at the bow and told me I have to make sure that the room has at least 50% humidity around this time of the year. We moved from humid Florida a little while ago, so I never thought of humidity. I don't even have a humidifier. I said may be I should boil some water in a kettle. He said it should work. When I got home, I thought of what to do with his violin. I didn't want to wait too long and see a cracked violin, so I came up with quick and easy solution. I wet the paper towel and squeezed the excess water to make sure it doesn't drip. Then put it in the ziplock sandwich bag and left the bag about an inch unzipped and placed in the case. It is cheap and keeps the violin safe from getting wet. I would love to hear some other alternatives other people are using!

1 comment:

violinomama said...
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