Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bach Sonata & Partita

My son will be starting Bach Partita No. 3, Preludio soon. He did learn this piece a year ago when he was 10. The notes were there, but I felt he really didn't capture the essense of Bach. Well, I am novice, so I can't say for sure what was lacking, maybe clarity, coolness? I don't know....His then-teacher told us every violinist keep on studying Bach S & P for the rest of his/her violin career. So this is no easy task for a 11 year-old. Now, I am in search of good recording of S & P with the help of the members at Maestronet. They are so helpful and gave me a lot of names that I should look into. After many suggestions, I just ordered Arthur Grumiaux's CD and a Gidon Kremer's S & P DVD. Hopefully, it won't take too long to get here because of the holiday seasons. I am thinking of listening to others's recordings suggested by the Maestronet members such as Rachel Podger, Hilary Hahn, James Ehnes just to name a few. And if I can afford it, Richard Tognetti . What I learned from everyone in the forum was that each person has his/her favorite violinist for S & P. There's no absolute answer to who's Bach S & P is best. So my journey to discovery of Bach S & P is about to start just about in a week :)

I almost forgot! I did have Milstein's S & P. However, I shouldn't have never let my husband borrow my CD. Now, he can't find it! I am going to make him buy me another copy :)

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