Monday, April 14, 2008

Menuhin Competition

One of the most recognized violin competition in the world, Menuhin Competition started on April 11 this year. Thanks to the Internet, you don't have to be in Cardiff to watch it. They have live broadcast of the compeitition.

They have two categories, senior and junior. Senior must not reach 22 years of age and Junior is for under 16 years old. I watched some of the competitors on the live broadcast yesterday. My favorite is Jiafeng Chen from China. Remember, I am not a expert, but his playing was very clean and to me he seemed very comfortable. If you missed the first round. Don't worry, you can still watch by clicking Watch Again tab. Today, April 13th, the competitors for Junior Division will perform. I already missed half of them because of time differences, but will watch the clip from earlier when I get a chance later today.

Next competition is scheduled for 2010. The application is due in October of 2009. If you are thinking of entering, you may want to check back their website often for update.

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