Friday, April 11, 2008

A Week of an Eleven Year-Old Violinist

My son's been very busy with his violin lately. Sometimes, I feel overwhelming driving from one place to the other, but he wants to do it all. After the day of competition, he was asked to play at a wedding that afternoon. He gets points towards his youth orchestra tour. He really enjoyed playing there. The next day was his regular orchestra rehearsal from 2-5pm, then off to another rehearsal from 6:30-8:00pm for the musical at the local high school. They've been practicing for several weeks. He really loves being among the older teenagers. I guess it makes him feel like one of them:) I don't know how he does it. One must really loves what he's doing. So this week, he hasn't been practicing his own stuff much. He's been putting about an hour for that. Last night was the first performance of the musical. We got there at 6:30pm and got home around 10:00pm. Today, they'll have two performances. This Saturday, he has his flag football game in the morning and in the afternoon, he will play for the high school musical production. Sunday is the last performance. Then he can take a breath and get back to his usual routine and I can spend less time in the car:) Sigh....

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