Monday, February 13, 2012

Balancing Act

This is to express my opinion and hopefully to help others who are in the similar situations. When your child gets some performing opportunities which my son did quite a lot for the last two years and he was fortunate to be able to experience performing with some great orchestras and people. Said that if I could go back in time, there are some changes I could have made.

When your child is still in the process of learning it is sooooo important that the performances will have less impact on his/her current instrument studies. In other words, if he/she is preparing for the performance, everything is focused on that and put a stop to his/her current repertoire studies. Therefore, my son has smaller repertoire than I would him to have. He should've had more by now, but because of the performances, he would revisit the pieces and practice those he had to perform and that gave him less time on the pieces he was working on.
It is an opportunity hard to pass on when the orchestra calls you and want your child to perform, but we as parents really need to pick and choose if it is a right timing, right opportunity and sometimes we need to have courage to say "No" if it is too much for a child. This is a fine line and different with every child. Only you know your child the best and I have to tell myself at times "There will be another opportunity." I'd rather give my son some time to develop his skills right now and we'll go from there when the time is right.

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